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About Dr NRK

Dr. N.R. Krishnaswamy, BDS, MDS, M.Orth RCS (Edin),DIBO,Dip. NB, NAMS

Dr. N.R.Krishnaswamy is a highly qualified orthodontist .Besides post-graduation in Orthodontics he has a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. He is a Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Sciences and the Indian board of orthodontics. He is currently the Professor and Head in the Department of Orthodontics and the Vice Principal at Ragas Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, India. He has published more than 50 articles In National and international scientific journals and has authored a book chapter. He has given over 150 presentations throughout India, North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia, and has lectured to the Orthodontic Societies in over 20 different countries. He has also served as the Chairman of Indian Board of Orthodontics and as the President of the Indian Orthodontic Society. As a clinician and a teacher he has won several accolades. To name a few:


1. Recipient of the ‘Best Clinical Paper’ Award and the President’s Rolling Trophy of The Indian Orthodontics Society four times.
2. Recipient of the ‘Best research paper award’ of the Indian Orthodontic Society twice.
3. Best Teacher Award conferred by Tamilnadu Dr. MGR medical university, Tamilnadu – 2011.
4. 2013 B.F.Helen E. Dewel Clinical Research Award by the American Association of Orthodontists for the best clinical Paper published in the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopeidics.
5. 'Dr. K.K. Mistry Scroll of Honor’ for being the Ambassador of the Indian Orthodontic Society in 2015.
6. 'Outstanding Professor Award’ by the Indian Orthodontic Society in 2018.


1. Eastman Dental Institute, London, 1989 – Hands On Training on Pre Adjusted Edgewise Appliance.
2. School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University Yokahama, Japan 1990.
3. Roth William Philosophy from the Roth/Williams center for functional occlusion, USA.

Faculty Appointments

1. 1987-1992 - Annamalai University Lecturer in Orthodontics
2. 1993-Present - Tamilnadu MGR University, Ragas Dental College & Hospital Vice Principal, Professor & Head.

Academic Appointments

1. Served as a post graduate examiner in all the reputed universities offering post-graduation in Orthodontics in India.
2. Served as an external examiner for conducting post-graduation exam in University college Malaya, Kuala Lampur Malaysia.
3. Served as an external examiner for final year BDS programme at Penang Dental College, Malaysia.
4. Has been a Post graduate teacher for nearly 25 years and supervised the work of over 180 post graduate students.
5. Has been a thesis guide for 120 post graduate students.
6. Examiner - M.Orth Examination of The Royal college of London and The Royal college of Glasgow.

Memberships and Offices

Professional Service

1. Management committee member of The Indian Orthodontic Society 1994, 1995,1996, 1998
2. Executive committee member of Tamil Nadu state branch of The Indian Dental Association.
3. Assistant Editor – Journal of The Indian Dental Association.
4. Consultant Editor – Journal of The Indian Orthodontic Society.
5. Elected as Board of Directors to the Indian Orthodontic Society 2001.
6. Secretary Indian Board of Orthodontics – 2003 to 2004.
7. Vice Chairman of the Indian Board of Orthodontics 2004 – 2005.
8. Treasurer – Indian Chapter of International Association for Dental Research – 2003 to 2005.
9. Chairman – Indian Board of Orthodontics 2005-2006.
10. Organizing Secretary – 43rd Conference of the Indian Orthodontic Society Chennai – 2006.
11. President Elect of the Indian Orthodontics Society for the year 2006-07.
12. President Elect – 2008-09-Indian Dental Association –Madras Branch.
13. President - Indian Orthodontic Society 2007-2008.
14. President – Indian Dental Association – Madras Branch – 2009 - 2010.
15. Scientific Chair - 8th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference, New Delhi 2012.
16. Consultant Editor of European Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 2015.
17. Associate Editor – Indian Journal of Dental Research, 2016 onwards.
18. Chairman of 8th World Implant Ortho Conference, Goa, India 2016.
19. Advisory Board Member of the World Implant Orthodontic association (WIOA).

Honours (Named Lectures delivered)

1. Dr.H.S. Shaik Memorial Lecture at the IOS PG Convention.
2. The Indian Orthodontic Society Oration 2014.
3. The Chen Memorial Lecture of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2016.
4. Dr.K. Surendra Shetty Oration at 53rd IOC, Kochi,2018.

Opening Hours

3:30PM - 8:30PM
10:00AM - 1:00PM
3:00PM - 6:00PM